Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Traveling the Southeast

Well, we have had a busy few months as we prepare to leave!  We have had more wonderful opportunities to share God's vision for our family in several churches in Georgia and here in Lexington, SC.  We have been so blessed by the love and support we have felt by each church body and have begun relationships that we know will grow in years to come.  Here are a few pictures of the churches we have visited.  In October we shared at Lexington Church of Christ, Calvary Chapel Lexington (our home church), and Calvary Chapel Heartland (Fort Valley, GA).  The first weekend of November we shared at Flintstone Baptist Church in Flintstone, GA.  


To date, we have 100% of our outgoing expenses and 75% of our monthly support raised...PRAISE THE LORD!!!  We prayed about when to order our plane tickets and we felt all along that once we reach 75% of our monthly support we would order them so this past Friday we made it official--our tickets are ordered...we leave January 2nd at admit I cried as I was booking them.  It was very emotional--a definite reality check in a much more "concrete" way if ya know what I mean!  Now we just continue to work at all of the details that need to happen before we go.  

We did have an awesome opportunity to rent our patio home to some friends in need of a place to live.  We were planning on selling it and it has been on the market since July with no buyer.  Well, our friends, David and Eva Daniel had 3 weeks to find a place to live (as of last week) and the Lord told them to approach us about renting and He gave us a peace about renting to them---what a blessing for both of us!  They needed a place they could afford and wanted it close to the church.  Well, it is within their means and it is literally 3 minutes from the church--God is so faithful even in the little details of our lives if we will just surrender even those places to Him!!  It has been obvious in the past week that the Lord has saved this place for them and their 3 beautiful children!!!  

Please pray for us and for all the little details--that we would trust the Lord with them as He I was studying this week I came across this verse and it has been my prayer this week and will be for a long time--- Psalm 26:2-3 "Test me, O Lord, and try me. Examine my heart and my mind.  For Your love is ever before me and I walk continually in Your truth."  May you walk in His truth as He leads you...

1 comment:

Mari said...

Thank you for this post I needed it today...I love you..